Monday, 29 April 2013

Mini Mountain Marathon (+a little extra)

Been a busy week this one.  Last Saturday (20th April), I was out for my normal short-weekend run (I alternate between short and long weekends) when I realised that I was running pain free - bit of a novelty, as I have always had some sort of painful niggle since the Tuesday after my first Lakeland 50 recce weekend way back in 2010.

Sunday was a really good day out in the Peak District with Kieran Davis, from my running club (Erewash Valley).  I have a route, which is 13 miles long, with 3400ish feet of climb.  We started running at 7:30am, didn't see anyone for the next hour and a half.  It was fantastic.  Even took some photos.

First 3 are from Lose Hill, next 5 from Mam Tor and the rest from Win Hill.  The run is in preparation for the Old County Tops fell race, which I am doing with Kieran.  Haven't told him yet, but I'm hoping for 8 hours-ish.

Monday was a rest day, Tuesday parents evening so no training.  Wednesday night, club night and Pairs race time.  The pairs race is both cunning and evil in its simplicity.  Circular route, fastest paired with slowest, second fastest with second slowest, etc.  All set off at the same time, fast in one direction, slow in the other.  You meet your partner, handover the baton, and return the way you came, in theory arriving at the same time
as your partner.  Somehow, I managed to get paired with the (by her own admission!) slowest, and our resident fast bloke with the no-so.  Anyways, I decided to use Stuart Mills' approach of seeing this as a challenge, and not the usual "aaargh pairs race get me away from here!".  Worked, I think.  Managed a decent pace over the hilly bits, and after the turn around,hammered it home, picking off Gary right at the end (should really have let him know I was close...)  Results.  Has to be the first pairs race I have actually enjoyed since the first one I did (in 2008...).  As soon as I figure out how to link Strava with this, I'll post my routes.

Saturday.  Long run day.  5 hours.  Took it easy, for 2 reasons.  1, I was racing the next day.  2, I wanted to see just where the inevitable "slow-down" hit whilst taking it easy, and how my mileage would compare to my previous 5 hour run.  Well, my slow-down hit at 4 hours, compare to 3 and a half for my previous 5 hour run.  However, I only managed 30.8 miles, as opposed to 37 for the faster start.  I know which approach I'll be using from now on...

Sunday.  Dark and White Racekit Mini Mountain Marathon.  Was supposed to be race 3, but was race 2 as the original race 2 was postponed due to snow.  We rocked up early, aiming to be the first out (I travelled up with Neil and Cee Weightman from the club) as we both had things on that afternoon.  Turns out that up in Castleton, it was a bit colder than home.  Also, a bit windier.  I had shorts on, wasn't best pleased.  To make matters worse, I had to put my waterproof coat on to keep warm,which smelt a bit grim after the previous days run.  Started off very sedately, but after about half an hour, I was feeling unreasonably good, and had picked up the pace a lot, knocking through the controls quite nicely, climbing well, slightly slow on the downs though.  Messed up fairly horrendously on the second to last checkpoint though.  Was making my way back to the start/finish, climbing up Cave Dale to a control that was there.  Didn't check the description, just assumed it would be on the fence.  It wasn't.  Had to go back and collect, which cost me enough time and effort that I was 8 and a bit minutes over, losing 13 points from my score.  Sad times. Ended up 8th, which is my worst result there in ages, but happy in the knowledge that if I was fresher, I would have tagged all of the checkpoints (missed out 4).  Results.

So, pretty happy with the week, Ladybower 50 recce Saturday.  Should be fun!

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